About me

My expertise is in computational solid mechanics, where I have studied the behaviour of metals under cyclical plasticity and contact mechanics.

I also have experience with the design of upper prosthetic limbs and performance analysis of Tesla turbines.


Data Scientist/Software Engineer


2022 - Ongoing

Lecturer in solid mechanics

UDF, Brasilia, Brazil

2016 - 2016

Solid mechanics tutor

Department of Engineering Science - University of Oxford

2017 - 2018

Doctoral researcher

Department of Engineering Science - University of Oxford

2017 - 2020

Postdoctoral researcher in prosthetic technology

Natural Interactions Lab - University of Oxford

2020 - 2021

Programming lab demonstrator

Department of Engineering Science - University of Oxford

2017 - 2021

Software Engineer

Natural Interactions Lab - University of Oxford

2021 - 2021


Engineering Science PhD

University of Oxford, UK

2017 - 2020

Mechanical Sciences MSc

University of Brasilia, Brazil

2015 - 2016

Mechanical Engineering BSc

University of Brasilia, Brazil

2009 - 2014

Mechanical Engineering BSc (Exchange Program)

Rice University, USA

2012 - 2013


Data Science and Visualisation

Non-dimensionalisation, Buckingham-Pi Theorem. Matlab, matplotlib, plotly, numpy.

Contact Mechanics

Analytical and numerical description of frictional contact between elastic solid bodies.

Tesla Turbines

Analysis and modelling of performance of Tesla turbines

Solid Mechanics

Stress analysis of elasto-plastic phenomena in solid bodies.

Upper Limb Prosthetics

Design of transradial upper limb prosthetic devices.

Finite Element Method

Linear and non-linear analysis. ABAQUS software.